Welcome to the TICA South Central Region
We in the South Central Region of TICA are committed:
- To encourage its members to be caring, responsible owners and breeders of cats. People who work together to promote the preservation of pedigreed cats and the health and welfare of all domestic cats.
- To provide sanctioned cat shows which promote both pedigreed and non-pedigreed cats in a professional manner and which are both enjoyable and educational for exhibitors, judges and the general public.
- To encourage our members to take an active role in the community to foster responsible spay/neuter awareness through public education, to become active in voluntary service at local animal shelters or outreach programs for schools and/or senior or disabled citizens, and to become involved in citizen advisory groups to foster responsible legislation regarding the health and welfare of cats.
- To promote friendly relations between breeders in this region and other areas around the world.
- To disseminate information to breeders, owners, exhibitors, and the general public concerning breeding, exhibition, improvement of breeds, the care and welfare of all cats.