Show Manager Guides
Organizing a TICA-Sanctioned Cat Show
Not enough TICA-sanctioned cat shows in your area? If you and other TICA members and exhibitors in your area desire more local shows, take action—put on a TICA show! The new, fully revised Show Manager’s Guide will serve as a guide to steps you must take to put on a SUCCESSFUL show. Original by Sue Becknell in 1993. Revised by Wendy Klamm in 2015
Download the Show Manager’s Guide (PDF)
TICA Media Guide
With every cat show comes the opportunity to market cats, the cat fancy and TICA. It is our best opportunity to introduce visitors to the world of cats and to showcase them as the world’s most popular domestic companion animal. Unless our shows “touch” the public, we have lost the chance to educate the public on caring for cats and appreciating the uniqueness of each one of TICA’s many breeds.
Download the TICA Media Guide (PDF)
Not enough TICA-sanctioned cat shows in your area? If you and other TICA members and exhibitors in your area desire more local shows, take action—put on a TICA show! The new, fully revised Show Manager’s Guide will serve as a guide to steps you must take to put on a SUCCESSFUL show. Original by Sue Becknell in 1993. Revised by Wendy Klamm in 2015
Download the Show Manager’s Guide (PDF)
TICA Media Guide
With every cat show comes the opportunity to market cats, the cat fancy and TICA. It is our best opportunity to introduce visitors to the world of cats and to showcase them as the world’s most popular domestic companion animal. Unless our shows “touch” the public, we have lost the chance to educate the public on caring for cats and appreciating the uniqueness of each one of TICA’s many breeds.
Download the TICA Media Guide (PDF)